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What if You Could Trust Your CRM Data?

Provide sales, marketing, and customer service with the information and insights they need to attract and retain more customers and grow your business.  

Improve Your CRM Data Quality

CRM systems quickly become a dumping ground for data from all departments, full of errors, duplicates, and misplaced or missing information that waste time and reduce the accuracy of reports and dashboards. That problem only grows over time with employee turnover. Enlighten keeps CRM systems performing at their best so all users and connected systems benefit from quality data.  


Make smarter business decisions and reduce resources with clean, accurate, and complete data.


Better understand and connect with customers through personal communications that build lasting relationships.


Empower marketing, sales, and customer service to attract and retain more customers and capture additional revenue.

Better CRM Data Quality with Enlighten

Data Cleansing and Standardization

Cleanse, standardize, and validate your data across every source for higher-quality matching. Clean your data with precision.

Data Analysis and Reporting

Understand the state of your data sources to identify potential issues prior to migration. Uncover hidden relationships and discrepancies.

CRM Data Quality Solutions

Enlighten is a suite of powerful tools designed to work together to clean and enhance data in your CRM system in real time at data entry, during migration, or through ongoing monitoring and maintenance.

Address Validation

Complete and validate addresses and add rooftop-precise geolocation coordinates.

Data Deduplication

Identify and resolve duplicate information with the most powerful cognitive matching technology available. 

Featured Insights

Trust Your Data

Eliminating duplicates, removing errors, and adding missing elements improves data quality and provides CRM system users with complete, accurate contact records so they can always connect with your customers. A true accounting of customers and their history means you can rely on the reports and dashboards your CRM system provides to make sound business decisions.

Reduce Frustration

Employees hate wasting time searching for contacts or manually keying in customer details. Automating data quality improvements enhances productivity, increases adoption rates, and trust in your CRM.

Customers and prospects expect frictionless experiences. Good CRM data is an important step on that journey.

It's Time to Trust Your Data

Our data quality software provides the speed and accuracy needed to take your go-to-market, customer experience, and operations efforts to where you want them to be. Talk with our experts to get started today.


The world’s leading brands trust their data to Enlighten

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