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Better Insights with Data Enrichment 

Maximize the value of your data with social, geographic, demographic and consumer information.

Let's Take Your Data Up a Level

Data enrichment enhances your data with relevant, additional information to deliver more targeted insights. With complete and accurate information, you can create more effective marketing campaigns, drive conversion rates, and illuminate potential risks. 


Leverage information within and outside your organization to create advanced, actionable insights. Having a more precise picture of your customers allows you to customize your offering and messaging more effectively. 


Identify and segment customers and prospects by age, gender, income, and other characteristics to deliver more tailored messages, facilitate better data segmentation, increase conversion rates, and drive profitability.

Risk Visibility

Enrich your customer data with third-party demographic, sociographic, or social data to identify early warning signs that can help your organization reduce risk and avoid reputational damage.

Better Data Enrichment with Enlighten

Our Data Enrichment Solutions

Prepare your data for enrichment with our best-of-breed data quality tools. Start by profiling your data to find inconsistencies and duplicates in your applications. Then, use the data cleansing tool to cleanse and transform data to a single standard. Finally, match and link records for enrichment with your desired data enrichment provider such as D&B, LSEG, Dow Jones, etc.

It's Time to Trust Your Data

Our data quality software provides the speed and accuracy needed to take your go-to-market, customer experience, and operations efforts to where you want them to be. Talk with our experts to get started today.


The world’s leading brands trust their data to Enlighten

Get More From Your Data 

The data you have on your customers is most likely limited to the information necessary to collect at onboarding. As time passes, much of this information might be outdated. Maintaining and enriching your customer data with external demographic and geographic information allows you to derive more value from it. You’ll improve your customer service and your decision making too.

Faster Growth

Data enrichment can also enable you to grow your geographic reach and customer base. We’ll help you identify new customers, target specific geographies, autofill delivery address, automate tax calculation at checkout, calculate insurance premiums based on latitude and longitude, and much more 

Featured Insights

Enhanced Data Operations

Working alongside your teams, we’ll prepare your data for enrichment and correct any anomalies that could compromise the process. We’ll also help you find the best external data sources to support your business and automate the process of keeping your data updated.

The Next Generation of Cognitive Matching

Traditional matching algorithms generate significant errors that require review. To optimize your matching process, rely on an algorithm that returns results with additional information to help you accept or reject a match quickly. Enlighten's algorithm gives you more context and makes results easier to interpret for both humans and machines. 

Data Profiling

Analyze and understand the state of your data. Uncover hidden relationships and discrepancies.

Data Matching

Identify and remove duplicates in your applications. Establish links between individuals and organizations.

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